Combating emergency

First achievements

Ra’s Elafhat : rehabilitation/afforestation of 75 hectares and implementation of operational and integrated runoff water harvesting system (network of crescents). Area planted with native and/or adapted species;

Ra's Al Hilal : rehabilitation/afforestation of 20 hectares and implementation of operational and integrated runoff water harvesting system (network of crescents, terraces and check dams). Work done with local workers trained for techniques. Area planted with native and/or adapted species (Ceratonia siliqua, Arbutus pavarii, Pinus halepensis, Myrtus communis, Quercus coccifera, Juniperus macrocarpa, etc.);

Suluq : rehabilitation/afforestation of 92,5 hectares protected against wind erosion and implementation of operational and integrated runoff water harvesting system for 95 hectares. Work done with local workers trained for techniques. Area planted with native and/or adapted species (Atriplex numularia, Reatam retam, Ziziphus lotus, Acacia cyanophylla, Acacia cyclops, Acacia karoo, Prosopis juliflora, Parkinsonia aculeata, etc.).


Activities initiated by the MAP

  • Applied Scientific Research: daily monitoring of weather data for pilots assigned to the project sites in collaboration with the National Meteorological Center, study of water content profiles of plantation sites, ecological databases of natural vegetation cover sites assigned to the project for rehabilitation, improvement of production techniques for establishing forest resources, essential to profitability and sustainability for the public funds invested in the field of protection of natural resources;
  • Social and economical surveys about communities involved in the project;
  • Geographic Information System (GIS): Preliminary works with university laboratories, analysis of software, engineering and design work for the production of tools for decision support (satellite maps), contacts with Remote Sensing / Mapping Unit Ministry of Agriculture ;
  • Participatory Approach and rural development measures: preparation for implementation of micro-projects for local development : beekeeping, small rural hydraulic, livestock management, agriculture, natural resources, participatory management, awareness campaigns on forest fires, rural tourism ;
  • Skills and capacity buildings : training of local technicians, training of forestry professionals, preparation of study tours abroad, methodological and technical manuals/sheets production;
  • Belgian-Libyan and regional University Cooperation, cooperation with Libyan agricultural research centers & socio-economic sector ;
  • Propagation of local species difficult to propagate (Juniperus phoenicia i.a) ;
  • Recovery of forest seedhandling activities (nurseries networking and seeds center) ;
  • Development of management plans of local natural resources (forests, beekeeping, grazing, etc.) ;
  • Development of good/best practices for project management (monitoring tools, assessment, management of human resources, standards, quality control, structuring of information, communication).