Combating emergency

First achievements

Ra’s Elafhat : rehabilitation/afforestation of 75 hectares and implementation of operational and integrated runoff water harvesting system (network of crescents). Area planted with native and/or adapted species;

Ra's Al Hilal : rehabilitation/afforestation of 20 hectares and implementation of operational and integrated runoff water harvesting system (network of crescents, terraces and check dams). Work done with local workers trained for techniques. Area planted with native and/or adapted species (Ceratonia siliqua, Arbutus pavarii, Pinus halepensis, Myrtus communis, Quercus coccifera, Juniperus macrocarpa, etc.);

Suluq : rehabilitation/afforestation of 92,5 hectares protected against wind erosion and implementation of operational and integrated runoff water harvesting system for 95 hectares. Work done with local workers trained for techniques. Area planted with native and/or adapted species (Atriplex numularia, Reatam retam, Ziziphus lotus, Acacia cyanophylla, Acacia cyclops, Acacia karoo, Prosopis juliflora, Parkinsonia aculeata, etc.).


Goals of the project

The project relies in the same time on a holistic and multipurpose approach.

Holistic approach :
This approach is met by taking into account several dimensions in the objectives :

o   technical demonstration, instrument of training and capacity building targeting the Central and Local Administrations’ forestry staff, Academies’ Forestry Universities and all forest stakeholders. 
o   support for awareness raising and education of the public on environment issues (it is proposed to create a Centre for Environment Interpretation);
o   laboratory for the participatory approach;
o   site for the development of natural resources management plans;
o   urban waste valorisation (compost and sewage water)…

Multipurpose approach :

The created plantations will be able to satisfy various population needs and environmental functions in an integrated way: soil water and biodiversity conservation, erosion control, local microclimate mitigation, production of wood and non-wood products such as pasture, fodder, food, bee-keeping, renewable energy, game, amenities, tourism… The multipurpose management of the created vegetative cover will allow to fulfil these goals while sustaining the resource